ASCA Model Training


The ASCA Model training series is designed to guide school counselors through the development, implementation, evaluation, and improvement of a comprehensive school counseling program built on school-specific data. The four levels of training are based on current comfort and knowledge of the model, rather than past training or experience.

The training consists of full-day workshops structured around specific topics. Each session reviews information from the previous session and discusses the tasks assigned in the last session. In addition to face-to-face training, participants are given access to an online portal for assignments to receive ongoing feedback and coaching from WSCA Master trainers.

School and district-wide training is also available. Contact Stacy Eslick at for details on pricing and terms.

Beginning Model Implementation

You have decided to implement the ASCA National Model, but where do you start? Discover how to align your school counseling program with the mission of the school and district and effectively demonstrate change in student outcomes. In these sessions, you’ll learn the ins and outs of the ASCA National Model and the framework of a comprehensive school counseling program: Define, Manage, Deliver, and Assess.

Beginning Implementation Day 1

  • Agenda
    • Overview of the ASCA National Model (administrators invited)
    • School counseling program assessment
    • School counseling program tiers of support
    • Data collection plan and school data review/analysis based on academic, attendance, and discipline data
    • Annual student outcome goal plan
    • Closing-the-gap action plan
    • Introduction to the WSCA RAMP portal
  • Learning objectives:  After attending day 1, counselors should be able to:
    • Share the model implementation stage based on school counseling program assessment
    • Provide an overview of the ASCA National Model
    • Conduct a school data review and analysis based on district’s academic, attendance and discipline data
    • Complete and share an annual student outcome goal plan
    • Create and begin activities outlined in a closing-the-gap action plan
    • Understand how to complete school counselor use of time template
    • Navigate to the WSCA RAMP portal

Beginning Implementation Day 2

  • Agenda
    • Use of time analysis and reflection
    • Annual student outcome goal and closing the gap plan progress
    • Review data types
    • Beliefs, mission, and vision statements
    • Lesson plans for closing the gap activities (student standards, learning objectives, high-quality pre/post)
    • Annual calendar introduction
  • Learning objectives:  After attending day 2, counselors should be able to:
    • Create beliefs, mission, and vision statements
    • Create high quality lesson plans for closing the gap activity using ASCA template
    • Select, write and/or adapt student learning objectives and pre/post data collection plan
    • Define participation, mindset/behavior, and outcome data and how data is used in counseling programs
    • Assess and share annual student outcome goal and closing-the-gap progress
    • Analyze weekly time usage
    • Begin creating an annual calendar

Beginning Implementation Day 3

  • Agenda
    • Data collection and analysis
    • Results reports (closing the gap & classroom and small group)
    • Classroom and group Mindsets & Behaviors action plan
    • Annual student outcome goal and closing the gap plan progress
    • Annual administrative conference
    • Advisory council overview
    • WSCPAR (Wisconsin School Counseling Accountability Report) and RAMP overview
  • Learning objectives:  After attending day 2, counselors should be able to:
    • Explain data collection and analysis
    • Complete result reports for action plans and understand connection to WSCPAR
    • Create a classroom and group Mindsets & Behaviors action plan aligned to annual calendar
    • Schedule completion of activities connected to outcome goal/closing gap plan by end of year
    • Complete draft annual administrative conference template and share learning from training



Training LocationDay 1Day 2Day 3
(Register through CESA 4)
Eagle River01/1303/0504/30



Intermediate Model Implementation

If you have taken the beginning model implementation but don’t feel quite ready to move into the advanced level yet, this intermediate tier is for you! Refresh your knowledge of what you previously learned while getting the support you need to move further ahead on your ASCA Model journey.

Intermediate Implementation Day 1

  • Agenda
    • Annual school counseling program assessment
    • Review model components and schedule implementation and delivery timeline
    • Annual student outcome goal and closing the gap action plan
    • Annual Administrative Conference
  • Learning objectives:  After attending day 1, counselors should be able to:
    • Complete annual program assessment and share model components that are implemented and in progress
    • Finalize annual student outcome goal that meets ASCA guidelines
    • Review/refine closing the gap and Mindset & Behavior classroom and group action plans
    • Write lesson plans that will be used in results reports (classroom or small group)
    • Finalize annual calendar that includes action plan activities and interventions
    • Communicate yearlong data-driven school counseling program
    • Complete annual administrative conference template and schedule meeting with administrator
    • Identify potential school counseling advisory council members and create 1st semester agenda

Intermediate Implementation Day 2

  • Agenda
    • Model implementation progress updates (annual administrative conference, advisory council, action plan implementation, lesson plans, calendar, use of time)
    • MTSS (ELMSS) and the school counseling program
    • School counseling program and universal screening, needs assessments
    • School counseling referral systems
    • Data collection plan
  • Learning objectives:  After attending day 2, counselors should be able to:
    • Assess and analyze in progress program implementation and adjust as necessary
    • Identify and categorize school counseling program components in MTSS framework
    • Explain best practice guidance for universal screening and needs assessments.
    • Analyze use of screeners and needs assessments in the school counseling program to determine if adjustments are needed.
    • Define and share data utilized for tiered model delivery
    • Create and communicate referral system/process for school counseling services
    • Create and utilize high quality data collection plan

Intermediate Implementation Day 3

  • Agenda
    • Model implementation progress updates (annual administrative conference, advisory council, action plan implementation, lesson plans, calendar, use of time)
    • K-12 scope and sequence: Mindset & Behavior student standards and ACP
    • Reporting program results to stakeholders
    • Advocating for program using results reports
    • School presentation (goal(s), action plans, result reports)
    • School Counselor Competencies and Professional Development Plan
  • Learning objectives:  After attending day 2, counselors should be able to:
    • Complete K-12 Mindset & Behavior student standards and ACP scope and sequence
    • Identify gaps in student standards and create plan to address gaps
    • Develop data collection plan to assess student standards
    • Identify best practices in reporting program results to stakeholders
    • Consider submitting for WSCPAR and/or RAMP
    • Locate and utilize school counselor competencies and professional development plan



Training LocationDay 1Day 2Day 3
Rock CountyTBD02/1804/21
CESA 8 (register w/ CESA 8)12/0503/0405/01
New RichmondTBD02/2404/15



Advanced Model Implementation

The advanced model training will provide two days to support school counselors in putting all the comprehensive counseling components together with an emphasis on submitting a WSCPAR or RAMP application. 

Advanced Implementation Day 1


  • Review RAMP rubric
  • Review model components implementation status
  • Identify gaps in program

Learning objectives: 

  • Complete annual program assessment and share model components that are implemented and in progress
  • Compare exemplary model program (RAMP) expectations to current counseling program
  • Prepare, organize and plan model implementation to meet RAMP requirements
  • Identify and document RAMP reflection components
  • Enter model components into RAMP portal

Advanced Implementation Day 2


  • Review WSCPAR components
  • Model implementation progress updates (annual administrative conference, advisory council, action plan implementation, lesson plans, calendar, use of time)
  • Review program communication plan
  • Review RAMP components for completion

Learning objectives:

  • Assess and analyze in progress program implementation and adjust as necessary
  • Complete and submit WSCPAR
  • Finalize and plan communication around program outcomes
  • Complete requirements to submit for RAMP
Training Location Day 1 Day 2
Eau Claire TBD TBD
Madison TBD TBD
Milwaukee TBD TBD
Fox Valley TBD TBD


The final training will provide a one-day RAMP/POE/WSCPAR CAMP to support school counselors in putting all the comprehensive counseling components together.

Ongoing virtual support for WSCA members working through their RAMP/POE/WSCPAR applications is also available through our ASCA Model RAMP Cohort, Lunch & Crunch, the 3rd Thursday of every month from October – May. Check out all the details on the RAMP Cohort Webpage.

Training Overview:

Based on the ASCA National Model, the Recognized ASCA Model Program (RAMP) and the WSCA Wisconsin School Counseling Program of Promise (WSCPAR) are recognition programs for individual schools, not districts or school counselors. Applying for RAMP and WSCPAR helps schools evaluate their school counseling program, discover areas for improvement, and enhance the program’s efforts to contribute to student success.

The trainer will guide participants through the application requirements and process. Tips and suggestions about how to approach the process and collect data and how to submit the school counseling program through the online submission portal.

Learning objectives: 

  • Explain the components of the RAMP and WSCPAR application
  • Examine their school counseling program to assess if it’s RAMP/WSCPAR-ready
  • Communicate the benefits of achieving RAMP/WSCPAR status to the school counseling program, the school and/or district
  • Break down the RAMP/WSCPAR application process into manageable pieces
  • Explain the scoring rubric and know what the RAMP/WSCPAR reviewers look for in an application.
  • Utilize online resources ASCA and WSCA have available for completing the RAMP/WSCPAR application
  • Evaluate a sample completed application and recognize how to apply it to your application
Training Location Date
CESA 8 (Register through CESA 8) 10/15
Madison TBD
Milwaukee TBD

ASCA Model Overview Sessions (No Cost-Registration Required)

Everyone has an opinion on what a school counselor should do. Join WSCA staff for an overview of what a comprehensive school counseling program should look like, as well as updates on school counselor professional standards, ethics, and student standards. Bring your administrator with you to collaborate on implementing a strong counseling program that supports equitable student success.

WSCA will be facilitating these FREE 90-minute morning presentations around the state in October.

To join us for the overview, registration is requiredSee the full details of each location below and then fill out the brief registration form.

*All dates and locations are subject to registration minimums and may be canceled if those minimums are not met.  Notification of cancelations will be posted at least one week in advance.

Training Location Date
Green Bay 10/14
Madison 10/18
Wausau 10/21
Eau Claire 10/22

In Person WSCPAR Support Workshop

Join us for this three-hour afternoon workshop to learn the ins and outs of applying for the WSCA Wisconsin School Counseling Program Accountability Report (WSCPAR) award. Your trainer will provide tips about approaching the process and provide work time to prepare your application. Take your school counseling program to the next level by attending this support workshop, which is offered at no cost and is exclusive to WSCA members as a membership benefit. Registration is required.

Training Location Date
Green Bay 10/14
Madison 10/18
Wausau 10/21
Eau Claire 10/22

Beginning Model Implementation

2024-2025 Beginning Model Implementation Registration Beginning Model Implementation will include three full days of professional development with...
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Intermediate Model Implementation

2024-2025 Intermediate Model Implementation Registration Intermediate Model Implementation will include three full days of professional development with...
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Advanced Model Implementation

2024-2025 Advanced Model Implementation Registration Advanced Model Implementation will include two full days of professional development with...
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2024-2025 RAMP, POE, WSCPAR Camp Registration The final training will provide a one-day RAMP, POE,...
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ASCA Model Overview

2024-2025 ASCA Model Overview Sessions WSCA will be facilitating these FREE 90-minute morning presentations around the state...
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WSCPAR Support Workshop

2024-2025 In-Person WSCPAR Support Workshops WSCA will be facilitating these FREE two-hour workshops around the state...
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