Other Awards Nominations 2024-2025

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Other Awards

These awards are meant to recognize other persons who go above and beyond to meet the personal, career, and academic needs of students and professionals within the State of Wisconsin.

A. Supervisor-Administrator Award
To recognize those persons who have made significant contributions to the field of school counseling.

B. Jerome Henning Legislator Award
To recognize those members of the legislature who have made significant contributions to the school counseling profession.

C. Secretarial / Support Staff Award   
To recognize those persons who support and enhance the work of the school counselor.

D. Friend of School Counseling Award 
To recognize those persons (e.g., parents, volunteers, other educators, etc.) who through leadership, acts, or support have made contributions to the school counseling profession.

Nomination Questions:

1) In what ways has this individual utilized leadership AND collaboration with stakeholders  (admin, faculty, parents and/or the community) to improve school programming?

2) In what ways has this individual made a positive impact on school counselors and school counseling programs to help students be successful?

Nomination Instructions:

Fill out the form below to submit your nomination online.

DEADLINE: September 15, 2024

Questions? Contact Marianne Matt, WSCA Professional Recognition & Scholarship Director, at scholarship@wscaweb.org