WSCPAR Online Application

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2023-2024 WSCPAR Application

If you wish to submit a WSCPAR to the Wisconsin School Counselor Association WSCPAR committee for professional review and award recognition, please follow the directions and requirements delineated below.

The WSCPAR, application, and all supporting materials must be submitted via the online application form by Monday November 25, 2024

Application Form Requirements:

Use this checklist as you are compiling your application data

General Information
  1. School and Counselor Contact Information
  2. Elected Official Names
  3. Local Newspaper & Contact Information
Counselor Reflection Statements
  1. Explain the process you or your team engaged in to complete the WSCPAR and a distribution plan for your document.
  2. How does the data you shared in your WSCPAR show how your counseling program addressed equity and/or opportunity gaps for students?
  3. How did your counseling program take into consideration systemic issues that were impacting students?
Documentation Uploads

The following 5 components must be included (in .pdf files or Google Sheets/.xlsx/.xls/.csv for scoring rubric) for your application to be considered complete and forwarded for Program of Promise Review:

1. One (1) Application Signature Page: All signatures required to be reviewed

2023-2024 Application Signature Page

2. One (1) WSCPAR – Use Template or Create Your Own:  WSCPAR must fit (back and front) on one 8 ½” x 11” sheet of paper

2023-2024 WSCPAR Template

3. One (1) Annual Administrative Conference Template*: signed by counselor(s) and administrator.

*It is not expected that all components of the Annual Administrative Conference are complete, please just note on your form what is currently in place. 

Annual Administrative Conference Template (ASCA Model 4th Edition)

4. One (1) Annual Student Outcome Goal Forms:  

Annual Student Outcome Goal form

5. One (1) Completed Self Scoring Rubric: 

2023-2024 WSCPAR Scoring Rubric

Note, your entire application must be submitted at the same time and cannot be saved before submission. Make sure you have all your applications components completed before starting the online application.