WSCA's Online Learning Program 2023-2024
Online learning opportunities exclusively for WSCA members! Some partner presentations are open to the public.
Schedule of Events
This list will be continuously updated as new sessions are scheduled.
Jump to:
—Historically Black Colleges & Universities 101 (High)
—Elementary Groups and Games (Elementary)
—Creating and Maintaining 504 Plans; a 4-Step Plan (All)
—Beyond Study Skills: Real Strategies to Help Students Improve Weak Executive Functioning Skills (All)
—Vaping Prevention and Cessation Resources from Children’s Wisconsin (Middle, High)
—ASCA’s Information-Gathering Tool: Suicide Concern (All)
—Catchy Career Readiness Ideas for Elementary Students (Elementary)
—Registered Labor-Management Apprenticeships: The Other Four-Year Degree (High)
—Equity in Action (All)
—The School Counselor’s Role in School Mental Health (All)
—From Clicks to Credits: Choosing Quality Online Courses for Student Success (High)
—Compassion Resilience for Educators (All)
Historically Black Colleges & Universities 101

September 12 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Speaker: Karolyn Taylor, Scholarship Coordinator
Presentation Description: Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) campuses foster student success by meeting the needs of first generation and low-income students. HBCUs outperform predominantly white institutions in retention and graduating low-income African-American students. This session will take a high-level view of how HBCUs accomplish this important mission.
Track/Theme: Academic/Career/Postsecondary
Target Audience: High
Elementary Groups
& Games

September 25 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Speaker: Sarah Flier
Presentation Description: Learn about the importance of using data to intentionally create groups that support students through an equity lens and address achievement, behavior, and discipline gaps in our buildings. Explore ways to develop groups with confidence, hear fun ways to build group connections, discover engaging activities and games to use, and implement meaningful closing activities.
Track/Theme: Social/Emotional
Target Audience: Elementary
Creating and Maintaining 504 Plans - 4-Step Plan

October 17 @ 11:30 am – 12:45 pm
Speaker: Christine Klumpers
Presentation Description: Creating and maintaining 504 plans can be quite frustrating without the guidance that is provided around other student plans. Utilizing the strong structure of the IEP process, creating and reviewing 504 plans using a 4-step cycle can give new life to underutilized, repetitive plans.
Track/Theme: Leadership/Advocacy
Target Audience: Elementary, Middle, High
Beyond Study Skills: Real Strategies to Help Students Improve Weak Executive Functioning Skills

November 14 @ 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Speaker: Karolyn Taylor, Scholarship Coordinator
Presentation Description: Have you ever wondered why some students in your study skills group still experience significant academic challenges? This session will take a high level look at executive functioning and the science of how we learn. You will walk away with specific teaching, coaching, and counseling methods to intervene.
Track/Theme: Academic/Career/Postsecondary
Target Audience: Elementary, Middle, High
Vaping Prevention and Cessation Resources from Children's Wisconsin

December 12 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Speakers: Clay Anton M.Ed., Charlene L Gaebler-Uhing, MD
Presentation Description: In this webinar, school counselors will learn more about vaping, how to access engaging vaping prevention classroom activities, and find valuable vaping resources to share with families.
This webinar will feature Adolescent Medicine Specialist Dr. Charlene Gaebler-Uhing, who will share clinical resources to help counselors create a student’s Quit Plan.
Track/Theme: Social/Emotional
Target Audience: Middle, High
ASCA's Information-Gathering Tool: Suicide Concern

January 11, 2024 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Speaker: Carolyn Stone, Counselor Educator
Presentation Description: Without question, school counselors want to support students who present as possibly suicidal. When school counselors are placed on notice by any means that a student might even remotely be in danger of suicide, they have an immediate responsibility to alert parents and guardians. Part of that process will involve trying to give parents all the information that has been given to them, and some need to gather additional information. The difficulty is not in the school counselors’ commitment to supporting students thinking of suicide; it’s in the use of protocols requiring school counselors to do the impossible; quantify suicide. Determining suicide risk is problematic on many levels, not the least of which is the exercise of judgment of lethality based on a student’s self-report. The new ASCA Information-Gathering Tool: Suicide Concern will be presented along with the rationale for moving away from quantifying suicide risk.
Learning Objectives: After attending this workshop, you will be able to:
- Identify school counselors’ appropriate role in the suicide information-gathering process;
- Effectively advocate for a shift from suicide risk assessments to information-gathering tools in your school & district;
- Discuss legal and ethical complications of suicide risk assessments; and,
- Explain best practices, including gathering information and relaying information to parents/guardians.
Track/Theme: Leadership/Advocacy
Target Audience: Elementary, Middle, High
Catchy Career Readiness Ideas for Elementary Students

January 23, 2024 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Speaker: Andrea M Donegan, School Counseling Consultant, DPI
Presentation Description: Career development and readiness begin in elementary school. Come discover developmental considerations, engaging activities and programs, and resources to supplement your program. Leave with ideas and inspiration to take small steps or a big leap with your career readiness programming.
Track/Theme: Academic/Career/Postsecondary
Target Audience: Elementary
Registered Labor-Management Apprenticeships: The Other Four-Year Degree

February 16, 2024 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Speaker: Emily Pritzkow, Executive Director, WI Building Trades Council
Presentation Description: Registered joint labor-management apprenticeships offer a strong career path and economic outcomes that rival or exceed a bachelor’s degree. In addition to receiving a debt-free education, apprentices also “earn as they learn,” receiving family-sustaining wages and premium health and retirement benefits. The four- or five-year training programs to become a journeyperson consist of state-of-the-art curricula and on-the-job training from career professionals and can often be applied as college credit towards a two-year degree.
Track/Theme: Academic/Career/Postsecondary
Target Audience: High
Equity in Action

March 13, 2024 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Speaker: Derek Francis, Executive Director Of Equity and School Climate
Presentation Description: Many educators have found themselves looking for ways to intentionally engage with students and families of all backgrounds and identities to promote racial and social justice in their schools. Counselors, therapists, social workers, administrators, and other building leaders play a pivotal role in helping students learn about and feel affirmed in their identities and understand differences and biases. In order to create a school environment that is truly inclusive for all students, educators need awareness of systemic and interpersonal barriers that impact students from diverse backgrounds. This session is about the work you, as an individual, can do to create a welcoming and inclusive school for all. In this interactive session, educators will:
- Examine our own unique individual identities and culture we bring into the school setting and its influence on the school community.
- Practice strategies to proactively recognize, address and reduce systemic racism and discrimination in your schools and counseling practices.
- Engage in Proactive Tier 1 and Tier 2 Equity-Focused lessons and classroom activities.
- Explore resources and best practices to engage students in equity-focused conversations to promote inclusion.
Track/Theme: Equity
Target Audience: Elementary, Middle, High
The School Counselor's Role in School Mental Health

April 18, 2024 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Speaker: Libby Strunz, School Mental Health Consultant, DPI
Presentation Description: Implementing and building a comprehensive school mental health system (CSMHS) requires collaboration both within the school and with students, families, and community stakeholders. While school counselors cannot do school mental health work alone, they are valuable members of school mental health teams and play an important role in advocating for and advancing CSMHS. Participants will learn more about the role that they can play in building CSMHS, explore how they can collaborate with others to avoid doing this work alone, and build their knowledge of specific strategies they can use to support student mental health.
Track/Theme: Social/Emotional
Target Audience: Elementary, Middle, High
From Clicks to Credits: Choosing Quality Online Courses for Student Success

April 24, 2024 @ 11:30 am – 12:30 pm
Speakers: Kristine Pierick, Senior Instructional Designer, with Jessica O’Neel & Troy Marshall
Presentation Description: In today’s digital age, online learning has become a pivotal avenue for student success, offering flexibility, accessibility, and diverse learning opportunities. As school counselors, understanding the nuances of online education is paramount to guiding students effectively towards their academic goals. Join us as we delve into the considerations of selecting quality online courses and empowering students to thrive in virtual learning environments. Attendees will be provided with two communication tools to use with students during the online course selection process.
Track/Theme: Academic/Career/Postsecondary
Target Audience: High
Compassion Resilience for Educators

May 2, 2024 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Speakers: Abbie Hannam, Nichole Carlisle
Presentation Description: Compassion Resilience for Educators is a program developed in partnership with Rogers Behavioral Health. It is a 12-week small group curriculum intended for anyone who works in education. At our school, we have seen the powerful impact of running these groups. We’re excited to give you a brief overview of the curriculum and share our implementation process, some efficacy data, and testimony from our participants. We hope you will take away the motivation to consider a group like this at your school and also some tips for battling compassion fatigue in your own practice.
Track/Theme: Social/Emotional
Target Audience: Elementary, Middle, High