Tiered Professional Support

Services to Support School Counselors Across Their Career

Practicum Supervisor Training, Supervision, Mentoring and Coaching

The role of a school counselor can be demanding and emotionally taxing. Access to tiered support provides counselors a structured program to discuss challenges, seek advice, and receive reassurance. This is critical for preventing burnout and job dissatisfaction regardless of years in the field.  WSCA encourages school counselors to consider the following opportunities to meet your unique needs in the school community.   

If you have questions about these services please contact onlinelearning@wscaweb.org. 

Online training for practicing school counselors to earn a certificate demonstrating the knowledge needed to be a school-based site supervisor to support high-quality field placement experiences for graduate students. 

This online course is offered to WSCA members at no cost (WSCA member benefit) and will be available starting in November 2024. 

You can find more details about the course by clicking on this link: WSCA Supervision Certificate Training Description

Please note that this course is intended to complement, not substitute, the school counseling graduate program training already in place. 

TIER 2: Supervision for School Counselors with a One-Year License with Stipulations

2024-25 School Year  (Full Year)

Minimum of 270 minutes per month of mentoring activities outlined below:

  • Monthly meeting (virtual) for 180 minutes minimum with WSCA mentor (recommend weekly, 6o minute check-in with school counseling mentor)
  • Monthly Virtual PLC’s (minimum of 60 minutes) for mentees & mentors (registration and participation in the DPI Emerging School Counselor Cohort is included)
  • To meet state requirements as well as fully support the successful transition to the school environment, WSCA highly recommends a minimum of 30 minutes per month for the school counselor to meet with a district mentor (ideally in the same building) as arranged by the school district
  • Attend the annual WSCA preconference and conference (conference registration fees included with mentoring).
  • Annual WSCA professional membership (included with mentoring).
  • DPI Emerging School Counselor Cohort registration

The fee is $4,000/year for up to 70 hours of supervision per year and professional learning opportunities outlined above. 

2024-25 Spring Semester

Minimum of 270 minutes per month of mentoring activities outlined below:

  • Monthly meeting (virtual) for 180 minutes minimum with WSCA mentor (recommend weekly, 6o minute check-in with school counseling mentor)
  • Monthly Virtual PLC’s (minimum of 60 minutes) for mentees & mentors (registration and participation in the DPI Emerging School Counselor Cohort is included)
  • To meet state requirements as well as fully support the successful transition to the school environment, WSCA highly recommends a minimum of 30 minutes per month for the school counselor to meet with a district mentor (ideally in the same building) as arranged by the school district
  • Annual WSCA professional membership (included with mentoring).
  • DPI Emerging School Counselor Cohort registration

The fee is $2,250/year for up to 30 hours of supervision for the spring semester and professional learning opportunities outlined above. 

TIER 3: Mentor for 1st year School Counselors with Provisional Educator License

2024-25 School Year  (Full Year)

Minimum of 180 minutes per month of mentoring activities (outlined below):

  • Monthly meeting (virtual) for 90 minutes minimum with WSCA mentor (recommend weekly, 30 minute check-in with school counseling mentor)
  • Monthly Virtual PLC’s (minimum of 60 minutes) for mentees & mentors (registration and participation in the DPI Emerging School Counselor Cohort is included)
  • To meet state requirements as well as fully support the successful transition to the school environment, WSCA highly recommends a minimum of 30 minutes per month for the school counselor to meet with a district mentor (ideally in the same building) as arranged by the school district
  • Attend the annual WSCA preconference and conference (conference registration fees included with mentoring).
  • Annual WSCA professional membership (included with mentoring).
  • DPI Emerging School Counselor Cohort registration

The fee is $1,750/year for up to 25 hours of mentoring per year and professional learning opportunities outlined above.

2024-25 Spring Semester

Minimum of 180 minutes per month of mentoring activities (outlined below):

  • Monthly meeting (virtual) for 90 minutes minimum with WSCA mentor (recommend weekly, 30 minute check-in with school counseling mentor)
  • Monthly Virtual PLC’s (minimum of 60 minutes) for mentees & mentors (registration and participation in the DPI Emerging School Counselor Cohort is included)
  • To meet state requirements as well as fully support the successful transition to the school environment, WSCA highly recommends a minimum of 30 minutes per month for the school counselor to meet with a district mentor (ideally in the same building) as arranged by the school district
  • Annual WSCA professional membership (included with mentoring)
  • DPI Emerging School Counselor Cohort registration

The fee is $750/year for up to 10 hours of mentoring for the spring semester and professional learning opportunities outlined above.

Virtual monthly coaching for practicing school counselors. School counseling, while well-established as a professional counseling practice, struggles with identity issues, responsibilities, and a lack of supervisory support. As a result, coaching for school counselors lags behind other educators and administrators. Research indicates that practicing school counselors that engage in coaching increase the counselor’s professional growth and stability as well as student safety and well-being.  Coaching increases the development of professional identity, as it focuses on professional expectations and refining skills to navigate difficulties that may emerge from various stakeholders, including the organization where they work. Mindsets needed for a successful coaching experience include belief in counselor growth and professional counselor development and a coach with  knowledge based on relationship building and empirical knowledge. 

$750/2024-25 School Year 

  • 1 Hour Virtual Coaching per month with up to 10 counselors from the same school/district (if you have unique circumstances, please reach out to WSCA)
  • Virtual coaching up to 10 times/year

$325/Spring Semester 2025

  • 1 Hour Virtual Coaching per month with up to 10 counselors from the same school/district (if you have unique circumstances, please reach out to WSCA)
  • Virtual coaching up to 5 times/semester
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