Counselor Educators

Dear Counselor Educators~

It is hard to believe we are wrapping up another successful year of educating our future school counselors!

Please take a few minutes to watch a brief updates video from Kaitlyn Gillis, WSCA Graduate Student Director, and Stacy Eslick, WSCA Executive Director.

Below, you will find time-sensitive information as well as other important information for your graduate students and opportunities for your programs to collaborate with WSCA.


Time Sensitive Information

Leadership Development Institute

The WSCA Graduate Student Director of Operations is excited for our annual Graduate Student Leadership Development Institute (LDI) and Summer Academy in Green Bay! Encourage your graduate students to strengthen their leadership skills and collaborate with other graduate students from across the state.  Attendees will also have the opportunity to network and learn with practicing school counselors in the WSCA Leadership Academy program as well as WSCA Directors of Operations leaders. LDI is offered at no cost, however, registration is required. 

One of WSCA’s strategic plan objectives is to enhance our assistance and engagement with school counseling training programs. Our aim is to offer valuable support to prospective school counselors and faculty members. By completing our school counseling graduate survey,  WSCA intends to provide your students with pertinent materials and outreach specifically designed for use during orientation or in the initial courses for graduate students within your program. We kindly request you to complete the form by May 3rd so we can send a special welcome package of information for your incoming students beginning in late spring 2024.

Each year, an outstanding group of school counselors and school counseling students help ensure an exceptional WSCA Annual Conference experience for attendees while also getting an insider’s view of the event. The WSCA Annual Conference Champion Program trains a selective and enthusiastic group of volunteers to serve as room hosts, guides, helpers, and much more. And, perhaps best of all, WSCA covers the cost of conference champions’ registration and hotel. Sign up today, opportunities are limited!

Graduate Student Program Representatives

This important liaison represents school counseling graduate students at your university in the WSCA Graduate Student Committee and is critical to expressing student concerns, ideas, and suggestions back to WSCA. Ideally, representatives will serve a two-year term (flexibility for a one-year option).  This is a great opportunity to learn about WSCA and be in a leadership role. Grad student reps are a vital connection between WSCA, graduate students, and professors within university programs.

 Sign up using our online application or reach out to the Grad Student Director at, today!

Information to Share with Graduate Students

Share these WSCA membership details and benefits slides with your incoming students at their orientation, in addition to reminding your current students to maintain their membership!

Have your graduate students sign up to be members of WSCA. The first year is FREE and there is a financial assistance program for students needing help paying the $25 membership fee.  

Encourage your grad students to build their leadership skills and grow professional networks by getting involved with the graduate student committee! Share the WSCA graduate student website, which has upcoming event dates and information on how your students can get involved.

Information for Counselor Educators to Partner with WSCA

Invite us to your campus to speak to your classes about WSCA, leadership, advocacy, ASCA model updates, and topics related to education.  We can also attend career fairs and support your recruitment efforts!

Promote the WSCA Conference Grad Program Socials (just like the Stevens Point Days)!  Hosting an alumni event or looking for ideas to connect with past grads at conference, reach out to WSCA at for options.

Model school counseling ethical standards by joining or renewing your membership today! Note the WSCA referral program, have your students include your name as a referral when they join and you will get a discount off your membership  (yes, they stack!). 

WSCA is still working on securing funding for a mentoring program.  Information on the initial proposal can be found in our mentor overview presentation .

Volunteer to share your school counselor expertise by helping with WSCA member consultation requests! Fill out the volunteer form and select “Consultations” as your desired participation.