Wisconsin School Counselor Association 7th Annual
Fall Summit
CESA 4 Conference Center – West Salem
923 Garland St. East | West Salem, WI 54669
Friday, October 21st, 2016 from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. (includes lunch)
Mental Health in Schools
Sponsored by CESA 4 Safe Schools-Healthy Students, Gundersen Health System and ASVAB Career Exploration Program
Registration Fees:
Click Here to register as a member online [registration is closed]
Click Here to print the registration form & mail, e-mail, or fax it to us [registration is closed]
One Graduate Credit will be offered through Viterbo University for $200.00 – Course payment & registration are separate from the workshop registration. Click here to print the registration form. [registration is closed]
Thank you to our 2016 Fall Summit sponsors: ASVAB Career Exploration Program, Gundersen Health System and CESA 4 Safe Schools – Healthy Students!
ASVAB Career Exploration Program
The ASVAB Career Exploration Program is a comprehensive, Career Exploration program, intended for use with students in the 10th, 11th, and 12th grades, as well as students in post-secondary schools. The Program provides tools, including the test battery and interest inventory, to help high school and post-secondary students across the nation learn more about career exploration and planning. Results of the aptitude test and the interest inventory enable students to evaluate their skills, estimate performance in academic and vocational endeavors, and identify potentially satisfying careers. These results are integrated with work values to help students identify and prioritize possible career choices. Students are encouraged to consider their own work-related values and other important personal preferences as they explore the world of work and learn career exploration skills that will benefit them throughout their work lives.
Gundersen Health System
Gundersen Health System is a non-profit, comprehensive integrated healthcare network headquartered in La Crosse, Wis. Gundersen’s more than 7,000 employees serve 19 counties in western Wisconsin, southeastern Minnesota, and northeastern Iowa. Their network includes a large multi-specialty group medical practice, teaching hospital, regional community clinics and hospitals, behavioral health services, vision centers, pharmacies, and air and ground ambulances.Consistently ranked among the top five percent of hospitals in the United States for clinical quality by independent healthcare ratings organizations, and the first health system in the country to achieve energy independence, Gundersen relentlessly pursues improved health for patients, their families and the communities it serves.
If you would like to learn about sponsorship opportunities for WSCA’s Fall Summit, please contact Aria Krieser, Professional Development Chair, for more information at: krieseam@hudson.k12.wi.us
Session Details:
Jennifer Muehlenkamp is a national expert on suicidal behavior and non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) in youth. Participants will learn best practices and interventions to support students with non-suicidal self-injury, depression and anxiety in the school environment.
Jennifer Muehlenkamp Bio – Jennifer J. Muehlenkamp, PhD is a licensed clinical psychologist and associate professor of psychology at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. Dr. Muehlenkamp is a leading expert and experienced clinician in the area of non-suicidal self-injury and suicide; including its co-occurring disorders like depression, anxiety, and BPD. Dr. Muehlenkamp has published over 90 peer reviewed articles and book chapters on the topic of assessment, treatment, and risk/protective factors for self-injury and suicide. She is a co-author of two books (Non-Suicidal Self-Injury in Eating Disorders and Nonsuicidal Self-Injury: Advances in Psychotherapy) and is a regular consultant to mental and behavioral health professionals in her region. Dr. Muehlenkamp’s work has been honored with awards from the American Association of Suicidology, Self-Injury Awareness Network, and has been featured in U.S. media outlets such as the Wall Street Journal and the American Psychological Association’s newsletter, The APA Monitor. In addition to her empirical work, Dr. Muehlenkamp is the director of her University’s Suicide Prevention and Research Collaborative, she is a board member of her State and County Suicide Prevention Coalitions, and she is currently the President of the International Society for the Study of Self-Injury.