2014 Conference Sponsors
School Counselor Pride!
WSCA 2014 Annual Conference
February 18-20, 2014
WSCA’s 2014 Annual Conference is February 18-20, 2014 at the Monona Terrace in Madison. Our conference committee has again outdone themselves by providing resources in preparing every student to gain 21st Century Skills.
The theme of this year’s conference is School Counselor Pride. Now more than ever we need to join together to share our message. WE are the professionals uniquely trained in the academic, personal/social, and career domains. We are excited to have Dr. Sharon Sevier, ASCA’s incoming Chair of the Board of Directors joining us this year.
School Counselors have a Professional Responsibility In Developing Emerging leaders. These leaders can be school counselors, other educators, families, local community members, and our students. It is also our responsibility to be collaborative leaders advocating for systemic change. We should be proud of the work we provide for ALL students across Wisconsin. The time is now to take a Professional Responsibility In Defining Education. Be proud of being a school counselor and be proud of your affiliation with WSCA!
On behalf of the WSCA board of directors, I invite you and your colleagues to join us at WSCA’s 2014 annual conference and to show your School Counselor Pride!
With Great PRIDE,
Lisa Koenecke
WSCA President 2013-14
Wisconsin Education Standards
The WSCA Conference supports the following Wisconsin Pupil Service Professional, Teacher, and Administrator Standards:
- Pupil Services Professional Standards – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7
- Teacher Standards – 2, 3, and 8
- Administrator Standards – 1, 3, and 5
NBCC Contact Hours
The National Certified Counselor (NCC) is a voluntary national certification designed to identify those counselors who have met national standards
set by members of the counseling profession. NBCC contact hours will be awarded for school and licensed professional counselors. NBCC forms will
be signed in the WSCA office after the President’s brunch on Friday.