Wisconsin School Counselor Association
2016 Summer Academy
CESA 1 Conference Center – Pewaukee
N25 W23131 Paul Rd #100 | Pewaukee, WI 53072
Tuesday, July 26th, 2016 from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. (includes lunch)
Cultural Competencies in Comprehensive School Counseling Programs
Registration Fees:
Click Here to register as a member online [registration is closed]
Click Here to print the registration form & mail, e-mail, or fax it to us [registration is closed]
One Graduate Credit will be offered through Viterbo University for $200.00 – Course payment & registration are seperate from the workshop registration. Click Here to Print the registration form. [registration is closed]
WSCA would like to extend a big THANK YOU to our sponsors of the 10th Anniversary Summer Leadership Academy – George Williams College of Aurora University, Marquette University, Herzing University and our host site CESA 1 Conference Center!
George Williams College was founded in 1884 by YMCA leaders who sought to educate students for lives of service, with a focus on body, mind and spirit. Today, GWC operates as a campus of Aurora University, offering undergraduate and graduate programs. GWC’s degree programs are fully accredited by the Higher Learning Commission through Aurora University.
Marquette University’s 11 colleges and schools deliver nationally recognized programs for undergraduates, graduate and professional students, and working professionals. For prospective undergraduate students, Marquette offers 83 majors and 78 minors, as well as
pre-professional programs in dentistry, law and medicine. For postgraduate students, Marquette offers 63 doctoral and master’s degree programs, 24 graduate certificate programs, and a School of Dentistry and Law School.
Herzing University
Career-focused, Convenient, and Caring
These ideals define a Herzing University education.
At Herzing, you are offered personalization and support to help you earn your degree and advance your career. Our innovative career programs provide flexible learning options and convenient scheduling for busy students with 11 campuses across 8 states, as well as, online programs. We have a variety of academic programs to meet your needs wherever you are in life, including undergraduate, graduate, online, and continuing education programs.
Questions about the event please contact, Aria Krieser, Professional Development Chair, at: krieseam@hudson.k12.wi.us
Session Details: Exploring Culturally Responsive Practices in Systems of Support: Wisconsin RTI Center: In this exploratory session, school counselors will consider the purpose behind engaging in culturally responsive practices within supports. We will explore concepts of self-awareness and implicit bias. We will also examine strategies for validating and affirming who students are as well as ways to respectfully build and bridge connections to students’ families and communities. Participants will be given time to reflect and consider ways to own and apply this work back in their schools. About Us – Wisconsin RTI Center – Click Here