October 2018

In This Issue:

A Message from the WSCA Executive Director 
A Message from the WSCA Board
School Counselor Advocacy Resource
Legislative Update – Federal Education Budget Information
Fall Summit
Help Us Help You
ASCA National Model Helpful Tips
ASCA Model Training – Registration now open
Great Lakes Summer Melt Texting Program
College Goal Wisconsin
Tell Us Your Story
Upcoming Events and Committee Updates


A Message from the WSCA Executive Director

Every fall I submit an annual report (click here to read) to the WSCA Board of Directors about how the association has worked toward achieving the long term goals the Board has defined (called the ENDS policies).  The Board met last weekend and a significant portion of the meeting was spent reviewing this report.  There was great conversation and discussion around how will WSCA know when counselors around the state are in fact using the same language that WSCA leaders use when talking about a comprehensive counseling model and standards.  WSCA strongly supports using the ASCA national model (Mindsets and Behavior standards) and is working diligently to provide resources, support and professional development for counselors in this area.
Reflecting on the board conversation helped me realize the critical importance of having a common language among counselors across Wisconsin when we talk about our role, programs and sharing how we make a difference for students.  Just as we know from our school communities, having a common language, systems and structures strengthens our ability to support students.  I look forward to working with counselors across the state to create this for counselors. Imagine the possibilities when we collectively work together  educating stakeholders on the essential need for comprehensive school counseling in all schools.

 A Message from the WSCA Board

With the start of a school year comes the opportunity to create a new set of annual goals and strategic plans that will craft your programming and time considerations for the remainder of the year.  You may also be in the midst of finalizing your SPO, PPG and program goals that will align to those strategic plans.  Taking the time to reevaluate your focus for the year will provide a clear sense of purpose as you work with the students you serve.

Currently, the Board of Directors is working to complete that same end.  Our summer planning time involved re-assessing our board focus and how that work would take shape for the next twelve months.  The board of directors’ focus sets the vision of what we are going to continue to learn and reflect upon to determine if our organization is meeting the needs of our members.  This year, our board focus includes connecting to our members and understanding leadership and advocacy in school counseling.

Connecting to our members places an emphasis on hearing the voices and stories of school counselors from all over our state.  Our organization represents diverse demographics, from rural to urban schools; large to small student populations; teams of counselors to singleton school counselors.  While there are universal similarities that we all have in the role of School Counselor, we also know each of us experiences different challenges and has unique needs based upon the communities that we serve.   We, as a board, want to ensure that our action as an organization supports ALL of our School Counselors.

Likewise, this year we will focus on understanding leadership and advocacy in school counseling.  School Counselors are fierce advocates for their students but they are also viewed as leaders as well.  Our role as leaders can be seen at the student level, the building level, the district level and also the state level.  As we unpack how School Counselors are serving as leaders, the board will continue to focus on aligning the vision of WSCA to support the many functions of a School Counselor.

With this eye on understanding the board of directors’ focus, we encourage you to lend your voice at key points throughout the year: with annual surveys, at listening sessions or in meeting with us during conferences, workshops or summits.

Thank you for creating a positive start to the school year in your community.  We look forward to continuing to engage with all of you, as we collectively serve students around this great state!

Alissa Darin
Assistant Board Chair


WSCA’s 54th Annual State Conference

The Power of Hope          

Monona Terrace Community & Convention Center

Madison, Wisconsin